Are we too inconsiderate when viewing someone else’s home?
Research by the next-generation, virtual property viewings platform, U-See Homes, has found that the majority of home viewers are failing to consider the cultural differences of homeowners when entering their home during the viewing process - and it could cost them should they make an offer.
The UK is a melting pot of different cultures, religions and nationalities and, as a result, there’s a good chance of encountering someone from a differing background to your own when viewing homes as a buyer.
We all do things differently. In Canada, shoes and coats are almost always left at the door when entering someone’s home. In France, however, it’s thought of as rude for the host to request someone to leave their shoes at the door and you should also refrain from touching any objects while in the home. In Japan and China, tardiness is frowned upon and shoes should be replaced with slippers when entering the home. While in England, it’s rude to arrive early.
Despite this, U-See Homes found that just 31% of recent UK homebuyers considered if a seller had any cultural differences they should abide by when viewing their home, with 69% failing to give it any consideration at all.
Just 16% thought to ask those selling the home if they would like them to adhere to any cultural differences when entering their home, with 84% again failing to consider it.
U-See Homes then asked, if the shoe was on the other foot and you were hosting viewings in your own home, would you be less likely to sell to someone had they not observed your cultural wishes?
While 74% were seemingly not bothered, over a quarter (26%) stated that they would be less likely to sell to someone if this was the case.
Simon Dempsey heads up marketing for U-See Homes and says
“Viewing a property probably feels like part of a business transaction for many and so it’s not too surprising that we fail to consider a seller and their own personal background when doing so.
However, it’s also important to remember that you’re entering a seller’s home and that’s an incredibly personal thing, even more so given the fact you’re a complete stranger.
A little bit of kindness and consideration can go a long way and asking if there are any cultural differences they would like you to adhere to can also prevent you from making a bad first impression and potentially having an offer declined.
Opting for a virtual viewing initially can be a great icebreaker between buyer and seller and gives both parties the chance to get to know each other and avoid making a cultural faux pas when they do meet in person.”
When viewing homes for your last purchase, did you consider if the seller may have had any cultural differences when allowing you into their home? E.g. leaving coats or shoes at the door, or not touching anything while inside. |
Answer |
Respondents |
No |
69% |
Yes |
31% |
Did you ask the seller if they had any cultural differences around allowing you into their home? |
Answer |
Respondents |
No |
84% |
Yes |
16% |
Would you be less likely to sell to someone who didn't consider your culture when entering your home? |
Answer |
Respondents |
No |
74% |
Yes |
26% |
Survey of 1,612 recent UK homebuyers (last six months) carried out by U-See Homes via consumer research platform Find Out Now (20th August 2021).