Six energy tips that will save you the most on your bills
A recent survey carried out by Barratt Developments found that 58 per cent of people in Yorkshire are concerned about the uncertain energy costs when it comes to moving home, reaffirming the need for better energy-efficient homes to lessen homeowners’ worries.
More homeowners than ever are seeking better energy-efficient properties, with almost two-thirds of UK households thinking more about the investment into new-build homes with energy-saving measures as an attractive option to save money in the long term.
All Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes are designed to be up to 64 per cent more energy efficient and save homeowners up to £2,200 per year on bills, proving that new-build homes are better financially in the long run for house hunters.
If a new home isn’t the right move for you right now, Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes Yorkshire East have recommended the following tips to save on household energy bills.
- Good quality insulation
Investing in good-quality insulation can really pay off by lowering your energy bills long term, with around a quarter of the heat loss in your home happening through the roof and around a third through the walls.
By insulating an uninsulated loft with 270mm of loft insulation, you are saving anywhere from £240 to £445 per year depending on your house type. Furthermore, by topping up your loft insulation from 120mm to 270mm, you are saving anywhere from £25 to £40, again depending on house type. Installed correctly, loft insulation should pay for itself many times over in its 40-year lifetime.
Wall cavity insulation will save you anywhere from £135 to £485 per year depending on the size of your home. For example, all the walls in Barratt Developments’ properties are built using the latest insulation, which incorporates heat-reflecting, low-emissive technology, keeping the warmth in, cold out and costs down.
- Get a smart thermostat for your home
Smart thermostats make it easy to control your central heating, wherever you are. It’s also very easy to create heating schedules so that you’ll never heat an empty home.
Smart thermostat heating systems such as Nest allows you to control your heating remotely via an app, and even ‘weather responsive’ which allows them to act as a weather compensating thermostat.
According to British Gas, smart thermostats could save you up to £311 a year, whereas a standard thermostat can save around £145 a year by turning it down by one degree.
3. Get double or triple glazed windows and draught-proofed doors to save energy
Upgrading your windows can really improve the way your home keeps heat in during cold weather. And if your current double glazing doesn’t seem to do the job anymore, it might be time to replace. The lifespan of double glazing is generally considered to be 20 to 35 years.
With the average UK home losing 25 to 30 percent of its heat through the windows, installing energy efficient windows can help to lower your energy bills.
According to the Energy Savings Trust, replacing single-glazed windows around a semi-detached home with A-rated double glazing could lead to savings of up to £155 a year on your energy bills. Doing the same with A++ double glazing could save you up to £170 a year on your energy bills.
New build homes come with upgraded windows to save costs in the long-term, and Barratt Developments’ homes come with argon-filled double glazing as standard to let heat in and keep cold out.
Doors can also be insulated and draught-proofed to prevent heat escaping, which saves the typical household around £45 a year. Alternatively, for a cheap and quick fix, add a draught excluder to the bottom of doors to help create a barrier against the cold and help to keep out cold air.
- Switch off standby
Homeowners can save around £55 a year just by remembering to turn appliances off standby mode.
Almost all electrical appliances can be turned off at the plug without upsetting their programming. With the increase of electronic gadgets in the home, you may want to think about getting a standby saver or smart plug which allows you to turn all your appliances off standby in one go.
- Careful with your washing
Reducing the temperature of your washing machine cycles and usage by one run per week for a year will save you around £27 a year. Investing in an energy-efficient washing machine can also cut costs too, with an A-rated washing machine costing approximately £37 per year if used 220 times, in comparison to £55 for the use of a D-rated washing machine.
- Replace your light bulbs to save on electric
Low energy LED lightbulbs use 90 per cent less energy than old-fashioned lightbulbs. They’re also not very expensive and their long lifespan means you might never need to replace them, especially in rooms that aren’t used often.
Switching from traditional to LED bulbs can save you up to £14 a year depending on the wattage, and also just by switching off the lights as you leave the room, you’re saving a further £25 a year.
Daniel Smith, Managing Director at Barratt Developments Yorkshire East, said: “The cost-of-living crisis is still drastically affecting people across Yorkshire, with over half of people concerned about energy efficient costs when purchasing a new property. It’s more vital than ever to incorporate energy-saving measures where we can in our new-build homes.
“The high energy saving costs confirms that the need for affordable, energy-efficient housing is at a high, with more house-hunters likely to consider buying a new build property to help save money on bills. We pride ourselves on our energy-efficient homes and we encourage people who are looking to move to seriously consider the long-term financial benefits of purchasing a new build.”
For more information about the Barratt Developments energy-efficiency, visit https://www.barratthomes.co.uk/efficiency-built-in/energy-efficient-homes/ and to find new homes in your area visit https://www.barratthomes.co.uk/ or http://dwh.co.uk/